Academic Integrity Policy


Chaboya Middle School is set on improving the intellectual excellence of all students and maintaining the highest standards and expectations for academic integrity. A teacher’s professional judgment guides the implementation of Chaboya’s academic integrity policy.


Academic dishonesty consists of the use of a person’s work, concepts, designs, data, ideas or research without giving proper credit to the source. Additionally, it includes lying, cheating, using unauthorized materials in preparation for an exam, test or quiz, or using unauthorized materials during or after an exam, test or quiz.

Examples of academic dishonesty

  • Looking at someone else’s work, or letting someone else look at one’s work during an exam, test, quiz, or assignment.
  • Using inappropriate notes or materials during an exam, test, quiz, or assignment.
  • Copying someone else’s work or letting others copy one’s work.
  • Having unauthorized access to exams, tests, quizzes, or assignments.
  • Providing exam, test, quiz, or assignment information to others.
  • Using electronic devices, including smart watches to give, receive, or copy information before, during, or after an exam, test, quiz, or assignment.
  • Collaborating on an exam, test, quiz, or assignment with another person without approval from the teacher.
  • Claiming credit for work on a group project when others completed the work.
  • Having someone else complete an assignment for one’s self.
  • Copying or closely paraphrasing sentences, phrases, or passages from an uncited source while completing a paper, project, assignment, or research.
  • Using the views, opinions, or insights of others without giving proper credit.

Consequences for violations

  • The teacher may meet with the student and contact the parent or guardian by phone or e-mail to review the academic dishonesty incident.
  • The teacher will submit a written referral for documentation and will administer the appropriate consequence.
  • Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to, a warning and a signed student and parental statement that acknowledges the violation and penalty, and indicates an understanding of consequences for any subsequent offenses.
  • The student may receive a reduction in grade or credit (up to, and including, an F grade, 0 credit, or negative points) on the assignment, exam, test, or quiz based upon the teacher’s grading system.
  • The student may be given an F and a U for the nine-week grading period in which the incident occurred.
  • The student may be disqualified from joining or having a leadership role in a club, student government, athletic team, or other extracurricular activity.


Students are rewarded for their appropriate behavior with assemblies, awards, coupons, certificates, trips, teacher awards, and a variety of other incentives. Community and business donations to help us with this program are greatly appreciated.


Students who do not behave appropriately at Chaboya may expect the following: phone calls home, letters to parents, “U’s” in behavior and/or citizenship on their progress reports and report cards, referrals to the assistant principal, detentions, clean-up patrols, Friday Detention, School Attendance Review Board (SARB) referrals, behavioral contracts, suspensions, expulsions, or referrals to the police.

Teacher detentions are arranged by individual teachers. Administrative detentions are held after school during Friday Detention. Parents are responsible for transportation home after detention and Friday Detention.

Chaboya Middle School

  • 3276 Cortona Drive | San Jose, CA 95135 | Phone: 408-270-6900 | Fax: 408-270-6916
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