
Parent University-Fitness Lifestyle

Date: Monday - April 08, 2019
Time: 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Location: LeyVa Middle School, Room 6, 1865 Monrovia Dr., San Jose, CA 95122

Week 1: Open discussion on what the parent believes nutritious food and a balanced healthy lifestyle. Discuss and explain key words such as nutrition, balance, moderation, and healthy eating and how important and necessary they are in our family's nutrition.

FITNESS COMPONENTS: Measure vital statistics and understand what is considered "healthy". Secure a goal and set a plan for remaining of the program. Slow movements to engage large muscle groups. DANCE.

Week 2: Introduction to the three macronutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Understanding the difference and how and when they benefit your body the most. Start a nutritional plan respecting the cultural participants and the richness of the food and ingredients they offer. Present how an ideal day of healthy eating looks like.

Week 3: Break down in detail what is a carbohydrate and protein. Understand why are they important, why do we need them, and how to implement in our personal/family nutritional plan. Present examples of what they are and food recipes incorporating carbohydrates and protein.

Week 4: Culinary demonstration. What are fats? Understand what they are, and how to implement in our plan. What is the daily requirement?

Week 5: Explain what nutrition labels are, and how to read them. What should our food portions be? What is a serving size and how much?

Week 6: Addressing the obstacles and difficulties of following and starting a healthy lifestyle. Present ideas that are feasible according to our daily life schedules, etc.

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