


Students should arrive at school no earlier than 7:20 am. The first bell rings at 7:40 and the students have 5 minutes to get to class and be seated. First period begins promptly at 7:45 am. Student needs to be in their seat at the time the bell rings.

Required Materials

Students are to arrive at school each day with the materials needed to be successful in all their classes. Every Quimby Oak student is to have a three ring binder with dividers for each of the classes that require written work. Textbooks, pens, pencils, paper and assigned materials are to be brought daily. Habitual failure to come prepared for classes will result in a referral to the assistant principals. If there is a problem purchasing needed materials, parents may contact the appropriate assistant principal.


Closed Campus

Quimby Oak is a closed campus, as are all Evergreen schools. Students are required to remain on campus during the entire school day. If students must leave for an appointment during the school day, it would be helpful and prevent your waiting, for parents to send a note that morning, stating what time they should be sent to the office. Students should bring the note to the attendance secretary before school. The parent must come to the office to sign them out. If someone other than the parent will be picking the student up, please state his or her name in the note. We are not allowed to release a student without your written permission. Unless students are involved in an after school-sponsored activity, they should leave campus immediately after school. Boggini Park, adjacent to the school, is off-limits for one hour before and an hour after school. Students are also reminded to stay away from other school campuses.


All visitors to Quimby Oak must check in the through the main office and sign a visitor’s book upon arrival. Classroom visits should be arranged by calling the teacher to establish a time for the visit. (Penal Code 627.2, Educational Code 44810)


School Attendance

Parents are to call the attendance office at (408) 270-6737 each day a student is absent. Upon return to school, students must also have a note from the parent giving the reason and dates for the absence. A doctor’s note is required for five days consecutive illness. Students with scheduled doctor/dentist appointments should bring a note to the attendance secretary before first period if the appointment is scheduled during school hours.

Re-Admit Slip

Students are to get their re-admit slip at the attendance secretary at 7:30 a.m. on the morning of their return. Waiting until the bell rings to get an admit slip will result in an unexcused tardy. Each teacher will sign the admit slip and the sixth period teacher will return it to the attendance office for recording.

Absences: Call 408-270-6737 Parents are to call the school the first day a student is absent. Upon return, students must bring a note from the parent (giving the reason and dates for the absence) to the front office before 7:30 a.m.

California Education code section 48205 states that a student absence from school is considered to be excused when it is due to illness, a medical/dental appointment, a funeral service for a member of the student’s immediate family, a court appearance, or religious observance. All other absences are considered to be unexcused.

Three or more unexcused absences or tardies of 30 minutes or more result in a declaration of truancy. Please be sure to call the office when your child must be absent from school. If a student misses more than 10 (unexcused) school days they are dropped from enrollment. Your child is not guaranteed to return to the same teachers or schedule. Please plan vacations accordingly.

Homework Make-up

Upon return to school, students are expected to make up missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to get assignments from their teachers after class or after school. Parents may call the office at (408) 270-6737 by 7:30 am on the third day of an extended absence to arrange pick up of the homework.

Student Attire

All apparel items are to be worn appropriately at all times. All students shall be modestly dressed and groomed so as not to distract the attention of others or to cause disruption with the educational process or orderly operation of the school. Extremes in dress and grooming will not be permitted. Un-hemmed pants or shorts, bare midriffs, halter-tops, tank tops, spaghetti straps, pajama shirts/pants, slippers, clothing imprinted with any writing or insignia not sanctioned by the school are prohibited. Shorts and mini-skirts must be no shorter than 4” above the middle of the kneecap, sagging and oversize pants and shirts are prohibited. No holes in shorts/pants above the fingertips.

Students may not wear, possess, use, distribute, display, or sell any clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign, insignia, or other items that evidences or reflects membership in or affiliation with any gang. This includes any attire which may be perceived to create a hostile or uncomfortable environment.

In addition, the aforementioned items may not be worn UNDERNEATH or OVER other articles of clothing.

Since fashion trends change quickly, the school administration reserves the right to deem certain articles of clothing inappropriate even if not outlined in the student handbook.


First tardy = Teacher warning

Second tardy = Assistant principal/Admin designee will warn the student

Third tardy = Referral to assistant principal, a call home and lunch detention in Student Center

Fourth tardy = Referral to assistant principal, a call home, and a 1 hour detention

Fifth tardy and beyond = Referral to assistant principal, a call home and Friday School

Tardy policy is maintained on a separate quarter basis.

Electronic Devices

The Evergreen School District Board of Trustees believes that all students have the right to an education in a positive learning environment free from disruption. The Evergreen School District Board of Trustees also recognizes that student possession of cell phones allows parents and students to communicate before and/ or after the school day and to this end may provide a measure of safety and comfort to both. The use of personal electronic devices, phones, are not allowed on campus unless authorized by a District employee. With Doctor notification, devices will be permitted if essential for a student’s health. If the phone is out during the school day, it will be taken to the office for a parent to pick up.

Food on Campus

Hot lunches, snacks and milk are sold from the cafeteria. Students should not carry more than $5.00 for snacks and lunch. Free and reduced lunch information will be sent home with students. Call the office if you have any questions about the program. You can purchase lunches online at www.schoollunchonline.com , then insert your student’s ID number.

Health and Medication

Health Office

The Health Office is only for students who are ill or injured at school. You must enter the Health Office through the front office door only. Parents or family members picking up sick/injured children must sign them out in the Health Office Log Book.

Students SHOULD NOT call or text parents for health related pick ups without first seeing the Health Clerk.

Medication Reminder

No medications, prescriptions or over-the-counter medicines can be brought to school and taken without both parent and physician signature. Medication request forms may be obtained in the Health Office and need to be updated yearly. In addition, all medication must be brought in by an adult and kept in the Health Office unless the physician states otherwise.

Academic Code

Academic integrity is important for the personal and academic success of all Quimby Oak students. Copying, plagiarizing, cheating, or giving your work to others to use is inappropriate and is stealing the intellectual property of others. Consequences for such actions may result in detention, a telephone call home, zeros on the work, or referrals to the administration. Students are to maintain academic and personal integrity in all work completed.

Student Transfers

If you are moving, please call Ms. Pinter at (408) 270-6737 a few days before you leave with the following information: 1) last date your child will attend, 2) new address and new school address if possible. The morning of your child’s last day here, he/she will need to go to the attendance secretary, with all books and materials, before school to get a checkout slip. He/she will need to take it to each class period that day. During the last class period he/she will receive transfer papers for the new school if all materials are returned.

Appointments with Teachers or School Staff

Appointments - CALL 408-270-6735

If you wish to make an appointment with an administrator or any member of the faculty, please phone or send a note so that a time can be established that is convenient for both parties. Administrators are available from 7:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and teachers are available from 7:15 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Call (408) 270-6735 for an appointment or send an email.

Report Cards and Progress Reports

At the end of each progress period a progress report of the student’s grades and attendance will be mailed home. All quarters report cards will also be mailed home. Student’s progress reports are given out four weeks into each quarter to inform parents of any difficulties a student may be experiencing so that the grades may be brought up before the official report card is issued. If further monitoring is required, the assistant principals may set up academic counseling programs after a parent conference has taken place.

Quimby Oak Middle School

  • 3190 Quimby Road
  • |
  • San Jose, CA 95148-3022
  • |
  • Phone: 408-270-6735
  • |
  • Fax: 408-223-4533
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