
Attendance Policy

As a parent, help your child develop a sense of responsibility and good habits by arriving at school on time. Adult supervision does not begin until 8:15 a.m. so students should arrive to school no earlier than 8:15 a.m. Upon arriving at school, students should walk to their classroom line and wait for their teacher to lead them to their classroom. Students need to be either in their classroom line or in their classroom by 8:30 a.m. to be considered on time. Students who arrive beyond 8:30 a.m. are considered tardy and should report to the office to receive a tardy slip. For every five tardies a student receives, the student will lose one morning recess.

A student’s absence from school or tardiness must be verified by the parent/guardian with a written note or a telephone call. It is preferred that you call the day of the absence. Education Code section 48260 states that any pupil subject to compulsory full-time education or to compulsory continuation who is absent from school without a valid excuse more than three days or tardy in excess of 30 minutes on each of more than three days in one school year is truant and shall be reported to the attendance supervisor.

Valid excuses for absence from school are:

  • illness (a doctor’s note is required after three days)
  • quarantine as directed by a health officer
  • appointments for medical services
  • attendance of funeral services of immediate family member so long as the absence is not more than one day if the service is conducted in California and not more than three days if the service is conducted outside California.

A pupil absent from school under this section shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed during the absence that can be reasonably provided and, upon satisfactory completion within a reasonable period of time, shall be given full credit. The teacher of the class from which a pupil is absent with excuse shall determine which tests and assignments shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the tests and assignments that the pupil missed during the absence.

All other absences are considered unexcused and therefore truant. Family travel that exceeds 10 days will result in the student being dropped from the attendance rolls. Reinstatement into the class and school is contingent upon available space. Three proofs of residence will be required when you return in order to re-enroll your child. Homework and tests are to be made up at the discretion of the individual teacher.

Field Trips

Throughout the school year, your child will have the opportunity to attend field trips. Teachers will be sending specific information regarding the field trip their class will attend. Siblings are not permitted to accompany chaperones. In order for a child to attend a field trip, they will need to turn in a signed field trip permission slip. If a signed permission slip is not turned into their teacher, they will not be able to attend the field trip. Verbal permission or e-mail permission will not be accepted.

School Bus

Student Release Procedure

When it is necessary for a student to leave prior to the end of the school day, the student must be checked out at the office front counter. The person checking out the student must be listed in the student’s Parent Portal Account. Please be sure all daycare persons are listed. It is critical that the information in Parent Portal is kept current. If a student is picked up late the person picking up the child must be an adult and listed on their online account.

Cell Phone Policy

If it is necessary for a student to have a cell phone (including phone watches), it must remain off and in their backpack during school hours. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen cell phones. A telephone is available for student use in the office. For the safety and protection of our students, we encourage ALL students to know at least one telephone number of an adult listed on their emergency contacts.

Cell Phone

Parent/Visitor Campus Security Regulations

During school hours, NO student is permitted to leave the school grounds without written permission and checking out with the office. Please come to the office to sign out your child for any appointments during the day. All campus visitors are required to sign in and out at the office, and wear a badge while on campus. When volunteering on campus, please be respectful of the teachers’ time in the staff room by not using it as a short cut or being in the staff room during recess and lunch times. Children are not allowed in the staff room at any time. This includes before, during and after school hours. Remember not to use your cell phone when volunteering in the classroom and leave the phone on vibrate so it does not disturb the class.

For the safety of our students, adults are not allowed in the lunchroom or in any student bathroom. A restroom available for adult use is located in the office.

The Use of Photos Policy

To protect the privacy rights of our students, at no time should pictures or video of children, except your own, be taken or posted to any web site or social media without the permission from the child's parent or legal guardian.

Photography Clipart

Back to School and Open House Nights

At the beginning of the school year, you are invited to our annual Back to School Night. Back to School Night is an opportunity for the parents and guardians to meet their child’s teacher and learn what is expected of their child during the upcoming school year. Back to School Night is an adult only event. We request you make the necessary arrangements to keep your child at home. The playground should not be used as a babysitter.

During the spring, you are invited to our annual Open House Night. Students are STRONGLY encouraged to attend. During Open House, we open our doors for you to be amazed by the incredible work your child has done over the school year.

Classroom Celebrations and Birthday Parties

The celebration policy that was first implemented in the 2009-2010 school year will continue for the current school year. Food items or balloons WILL NOT be allowed for celebrations in the classroom. No celebrations involving food or drink will be permitted. If parents wish to recognize their child’s birthday at school they may provide decorative pencils, bookmarks, erasers, or stickers. You also have the choice of donating a book directly to the classroom. Talk to your child’s teacher about what book might help the classroom collection. Teachers may elect to honor students as they see fit by giving special recognition, singing of songs, special classroom duties, etc. In addition, birthday party invitations need to be handed out outside of school hours.

We have decided to implement this new policy because of several concerns:

  • Conflicts with our local wellness policy regarding childhood obesity
  • Conflicts with the guidelines of the district’s Child Nutritional Service
  • Concerns over students who have food allergies
  • The extra impact these food items have on our office and custodial staff
  • Loss of instructional time

Rolling Backpacks

Rolling backpacks are no long allowed at Evergreen School. They became a hazard to students. Teachers have agreed not to send home more than 2 books at a time in order to help with the weight on the students' backs.

Halloween Parade

At the end of each October, Evergreen Elementary School may host a Halloween Parade for all students. Students are encouraged, but not required to dress up for the parade. The following guidelines should be followed when choosing a Halloween costume:

  • Halloween costumes must be appropriate for an elementary school student.In other words, no gory costumes.
  • NO weapons
  • NO fake blood
  • NO face make-up
  • NO hair color
  • NO props
  • NO masks either regular masks or gory masks
Parents and families are welcome to view the parade behind the boundaries. Costumes should be large enough to be worn over their regular clothes. If taking pictures of your child, please remember the photo policy of Evergreen School. Other important grade level information is given to families in the weeks leading up to the parade.


Eagle's Nest

Evergreen students who bring their lunch from home have the choice of eating outside at the picnic tables or in the Eagle's Nest. Students buying hot lunch must eat their lunch in the Eagle's Nest.


  • Students Eligible for Free Meals No Charge
  • Students Eligible for Reduced Meals $0.40
  • Students Paying Full Price Meals $3.00

Eligible students may receive their lunch at no cost or a reduced price.Child Nutrition Services (CNS) operates under the regulations and guidance of the National School Lunch Program.It is a federal and state assisted program that provides nutritious and well-balanced meals at low or no cost to children each school day. The school meal program is a self-sufficient operation with revenue sources coming from USDA reimbursement, USDA commodities, student and adult meals, and a la carte sales. Applications for these programs are available in the school office. Applications must be renewed each year and all information remains confidential. Questions regarding this program should be directed to CNS at (408) 223-4500.

If a student forgets or loses their lunch money, the student will be allowed to charge their meal. Students are only allowed to charge twice, or carry a negative balance of $6.00. CNS accepts cash, check or an online payment at www.myschoolbucks.com

Lunch Clipart

Lunch Drop Off Policy & Lunchtime Expectations

Lunch Drop Off Policy
Student lunches from home should either be brought with them to school or dropped off outside the office no later than fifteen minutes prior to their lunchtime.

Lunchtime Expectations

  1. Enter and exit the Eagle's Nest in an orderly fashion.
  2. School lunch items are to be eaten in the Eagle's Nest ONLY.
  3. All students must remain seated during lunch and must request permission to leave their table.
  4. Food should be eaten in a polite and courteous way.
  5. Students should speak in a quiet voice.
  6. When the whistle is blown, students are expected to be quiet immediately.
  7. When finished with your lunch, put trash in the garbage can, recycle fruit and vegetable scraps in the appropriate container, pour milk in receptacle, and stack trays.
  8. Tables and surrounding area are to be left free of food and trash.

Student will be dismissed by the noon supervisors and should walk to the playground.

Code of Conduct

Evergreen Elementary School students agree to:

  • Respect the rights and individual differences of others.
  • Attend school regularly and arrive on time.
  • Complete work assignments.
  • Be prepared for school with homework completed.
  • Respect property.
  • Respect and cooperate with the Evergreen staff.
  • Be kind to others
  • Obey school rules as follows:
    • Play together without fighting or arguing
    • Refrain from harmful activities.
    • Keep hands, feet, and other body parts to yourself.
    • Gum chewing is not allowed.
    • Use playground equipment safely and appropriately.
    • Refrain from bringing personal property to school. For example, sports equipment, toys, electronic items, etc.

Behavior Intervention

Possible consequences for students who choose to disregard school expectations:

  • Classroom consequence
  • Time out of recess
  • Exclusion from special events or activities
  • Principal, student, parent, teacher conference
  • Lunch time detention
  • In-school suspension
  • Out of school suspension

Dress Code

At Evergreen Elementary School we assume that the business at hand is education, and as such students should be modestly dressed. We ask parents to monitor student attire. Students are expected to wear clothing that is appropriate for school. Students are encouraged to express themselves individually and artistically though their clothing as long as it remains appropriate for an academic environment.

Clothing inappropriate to an academic environment is defined as clothing which disrupts the educational process, poses a health or safety threat, contains prohibited imagery or language (see below), or is intended as a means of sexual expression. To facilitate an academic environment, the following clothing standards will apply to students of all genders:

  • Tops should completely cover the abdomen and upper body without revealing the upper chest.
  • Bottoms should be no shorter than mid-thigh
  • Undergarments should never be showing.
  • All clothing should be free of references to alcohol, drugs, sex, violence, and graphic/derogatory pictures or language.

Provisions will be made to find the student appropriate clothing for the remainder of the day on a case by case basis. This may include asking the student to change into an appropriate article of clothing they own, asking the student to cover the offending item with another article of clothing, or (in the case of offensive language or graphics) asking the student to turn the article of clothing inside out. If no alternate provisions can be found, the student’s parent(s) or guardian may be contacted to provide them with an appropriate article of clothing.

Playground Rules

General Rules
  • Treat all students, noon supervisors, staff and your school with respect.
  • Play safely and cooperatively with others.
  • Be kind. Do not do anything to hurt the feelings of others, such as name calling, teasing, or using inappropriate language.
  • Hurting or bullying others is not allowed.
  • Playground equipment will be used safely and appropriately.
  • Balls are to be used on the field, courts, and tunnel ball equipment.
  • Walk around the games of others.
  • Run on the grass.Walk on the blacktop and in the hallways.
  • Play in appropriate play areas.Hallways, railing areas, restrooms and behind buildings are not play areas. Stay on the playground side of the yellow line, except to use the restroom or water fountains.
  • Use the restrooms appropriately.
  • Throwing rocks, dirt, sticks, etc. is not allowed. Do not dig or play in dirt.
  • Unsafe activities are not allowed on the playground. Be careful not to do anything that will harm yourself or others.No fighting, pretend fighting, ball kicking or chasing games.
  • When the bell rings all students must FREEZE on the playground, and immediately walk to the curb.When all students are quietly in the FREEZE position the teachers will blow a whistle.The whistle is the signal to WALK to your line.Stand in line quietly, with hands and feet to yourself, hold the play equipment still, and wait for the teacher to take you to your room.
  • Snacks may only be eaten while sitting on the benches or at the picnic tables. No walking or playing while eating.
Play Structure
  • Tag or chasing games are NOT allowed on equipment. No running on equipment.
  • Slides are one-way, down, in a seated position with feet first. One student allowed on the slide at a time. No climbing upwards.
  • Jumping off the playground equipment is prohibited.
  • One student at a time on traveling bars.
  • Students must face the school when swinging.
  • Students are not allowed to push people who are swinging.
  • Avoid walking or running through swings.
  • Twisting around in swings or swinging sideways is not allowed.
  • Throwing the swings up over the top is not allowed.
  • Students are not allowed to stand up in, or jump out of the swings.
  • Students are to take turns on the swings by counting to 100.
Consequences for Not Following Playground Rules
  • Time Out - amount of time to be determined by playground supervisor.
  • Loss of entire recess.
  • Loss of playground or sport equipment privilege for a specific length of time.
  • Student is sent to principal.


If you have a question about your child’s class, please contact your child’s teacher first. He/she is most likely to be acquainted with the situation and possible ways of handling it.

If an acceptable solution cannot be reached, the teacher or parent may contact the principal to arrange a time when the situation can be presented and other solutions offered.

Please do not hesitate to go to your child’s teacher. The teacher may be having the same concerns and a discussion may help to clear up any questions.

Safety Drills and Procedures

We conduct a fire drill once a month. Periodically, students practice evacuating the school building in the event of an earthquake and practice run, hide, defend drill procedures. Students cannot be released or checked in during the time of a drill.

School Cleanliness

Evergreen School students learn to take pride in their environment by helping to maintain the grounds and keeping it free of debris. Students, staff and visitors are asked to help maintain our clean campus by utilizing the trashcans placed throughout the campus. In order to maintain our school property and cleanliness on campus, gum chewing is not allowed.


Parents and community members are welcomed and encouraged to actively participate in their child’s educational process at Evergreen School. Opportunities for involvement include helping the classroom teacher within the classroom, as a field trip chaperone, a Project Cornerstone reader and many other possibilities.

Evergreen School Traffic Pattern and Directions

Evergreen School is a walking school which means the majority of the Evergreen student population lives within walking distance of the school. Students and their families are STRONGLY encouraged to walk to school.If it is necessary for a family to drive their child to school, please follow these safety guidelines:

  • In the morning, students are to be dropped off between 8:15 a.m. and 8:25 a.m.There is no adult supervision before 8:15 a.m.
  • Students need to be ready to exit the car when arriving at school. Be sure your child has their backpack with them. In the afternoon, please do not get out of your car to put your child’s backpack in the trunk.
  • The driver of the car must pull up in line as far as possible to drop their child off.
  • Students being dropped off or picked up should exit or enter the vehicle from the curb.
  • There is absolutely no parking in the drop off lane.This rule also applies to adults who are dropping off for kindergarten.If you would like to walk your child to their classroom (kindergarten only) or to the gate (grades one to six), please park in the neighborhood and walk into the school. The front parking lot is a “Staff Only” parking lot. The visitor parking lot is for volunteers and other visitors to the campus after drop off / pick up times. The bus loop is NOT a drop off or pick-up spot.
  • Students should not be dropped off on the sidewalk surrounding the school.
  • When leaving the drop off / pick-up lane, you must make a right turn out of the driveway.
  • Kinder/TK parents must walk in to pick up their student on the kinder playground.
  • When walking to school, you are STRONGLY encouraged to use the crosswalks.
  • During rainy days, the students are to report to the Eagles’ Nest in the morning.
  • Students need to stand on the sidewalk in front of the school when waiting for their ride after school. Playing or running on the front grass or on the stairs near the old multi-purpose building is not permitted. Walking on the cement strip or through the plants is not allowed.
  • Parents are strongly encouraged to have their child picked up from school on time.There is a telephone available in the office for students to call for a late pick-up, but students and families should not get in the habit of being picked up late.It is very important for students to know a telephone number they can call to get a ride home.

Evergreen School District Policies

Student Use of Technology Policy

The district recognizes technology and on-line resources as support to instructional programs and it shall be used to further student learning. Regulations prohibit access to harmful matter on the Internet. Student and parent must sign an Acceptable Use Agreement, outlining responsibilities and obligations, before using the district on-line resources.

Student Non-Discrimination / Harassment Policy

District programs and activities shall be free from discrimination, including harassment, with respect to the actual or perceived ethnic group, religion, gender, color, race, ancestry, national origin, and physical or mental disability, age or sexual orientation. The Governing Board shall ensure equal opportunities for all students in admission and access to the educational program, guidance and counseling programs, athletic programs, testing procedures, and other activities.

Student Sexual Harassment Policy

The Governing Board is committed to maintaining a school environment that is free from harassment. The Board prohibits sexual harassment of any student by another student, an employee or other person, at school or at a school sponsored or school-related activity. The Board also prohibits retaliatory behavior or action against any person who complains, testifies, assists or otherwise participates in the complaint process established in accordance with this policy. Any student who engages in sexual harassment of anyone at school or at a school-sponsored or school-related activity is in violation of this policy and shall be subject to disciplinary action.

Uniform Complaint Procedure Policy

The district shall investigate and seek to resolve complaints at the local level.This district follows uniform procedures when addressing complaints alleging unlawful discrimination or failure to comply with state or federal law in programs for consolidated categorical aid, migrant education, child nutrition, special education, adult basic education, vocational education and child care and development. Contact the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent for Educational Services if you have a question concerning noncompliance on any of the above listed programs. After receiving the district’s decision regarding a complaint, appeal procedures to the California Department of Education are available. Complaints may use any civil law remedies that are available.

District Family Handbook

View a pdf version of the District Family Handbook

Evergreen Elementary School

  • 3010 Fowler Road
  • |
  • San Jose, CA 95135
  • |
  • Phone: 408-270-4966
  • |
  • Fax: 408-270-4968
© Evergreen School District
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