Recognition & Achievements

Spelling Bee

Laurelwood holds an annual Scripps Spelling Bee competition. A written spelling bee is given to all students in grades 4-6. The top students are given the opportunity to participate in the oral spelling bee to advance to the next round.

Honor Roll

Honor Roll is a special accommodation awarded to students who reach certain academic goals throughout the year. You must be in grades 4-6 to be eligible for the program. Gold Honor Roll is awarded to students who receive all A's on their report card and demonstrate satisfactory citizenship (no N's or U's). Silver Honor Roll is awarded to students who receive all A's & B's on their report card and no N's or U's. Report cards are given out each trimester, so students have three opportunities over the course of the school year to reach Honor Roll.

Laurelwood Elementary School

  • 4280 Partridge Drive
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  • San Jose, CA 95121
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  • Phone: 408-270-4983
  • |
  • Fax: 408-270-6922
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